Lin Cui

Doctor, Researcher,Deputy Director of Ocean Energy Development Center of National Ocean Technology Center of Ministry of Natural Resources. Mainly engaged in marinerenewable energy power generation and offshore energy comprehensive utilizationsystem research,including ocean wave energy utilization, offshore wind power, offshorephotovoltaic, offshore multi-energy complementary independent power supply system, and marine energy underwater equipment power supply. He has led and participatedin a number of national key scientific research projects in the marine field, including theState Oceanic Administration's 908 Special Project, the marine industry's public welfarescientific research project, the Marine Renewable Energy Special Fund, the Ministry ofScience and Technology's intergovernmental scientific and technological cooperationproject, the strategic international scientific and technological innovation cooperationproject, and the National Natural Science Foundation's Sino-British key cooperation fundprojects. More than 30 papers have been published in high-level journals at home andabroad. He is currently the Chinese expert and strategic working group member of theOcean Energy Standards Committee (IEC TC-114) of the International Electrotechnical Commission, a member of the organizing committee of the Asian Wave and Tidal EnergySymposium(AWTEC), the Chinese chief scientist of the Sino-British Offshore RenewableEnergy Joint Research Centre of the UK Engineering and Natural Science Research Council (EPSRC),and a member of the Chinese expert group of the China-UK Offshore Wind Power Industry Cooperation Steering Committee.


Contribution to Climate Change Mitigation from Offshore RenewableEnergy under the Future Goal of "Carbon Neutrality"Contribution to Climate Change Mitigation from Offshore RenewableEnergy under the Future Goal of "Carbon Neutrality"Sea
