Dr.lan Fry is an international environmental law and policy expert.His focus is primarilyon the mitigation policies associated with the UN Framework Convention on ClimateChange,the Paris Agreement and related instruments.He is the Ambassador for ClimateChange and Environment for the Government of Tuvalu and has worked for the TuvaluGovernment for the last 21 years.
Dr.Fry has represented the Tuvalu Government at numerous international foraincluding the World Summit on Sustainable Development,Commission for SustainableDevelopment,UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)and the KyotoProtocol,Convention on Biological Diversity,the United Nations General Assembly andUN SIDS conferences.
Dr.Fry is the Pacific Regional Representative to the United Nations for the InternationalCouncil on Environmental Law,a member of the IUCN World Commission onEnvironmental Law,a Research Associate at the Centre for Climate Policy and Law(Australian National University Law School),a member of the Australian Association forPacific Studies,the International Studies Association and the International Association forSmall Island Studies.
Dr.Fry has facilitated negotiations training workshops in the Cook Islands,FederatedStates of Micronesia,Fiji,Indonesia,the Marshall Islands,Nepal,Samoa,Senegal,Solomon Islands,Timor Leste,Tuvalu,Vietnam as well as special pre-Conference of Par.
Pacific Island Legal Options to Protect People Displaced Across International Borders due to Climate Change (Recorded Video)